

“Many hands make light work!” At Hunt Hill, we often send mailings to 800+ members and past program participants. We need volunteer bulk mailers to help fold, stuff, seal, and label envelopes with all of our mailing materials for Program Guides, Membership Mailings, Fundraisers, and more! Assembling the mailings typically takes 1-2 hours with the help of enough volunteers. Anyone is able to assist with bulk mailing.


Adults and youth over the age of 13 years-old are needed to assist at the Day Camp programs and other children’s programs. Volunteers assist with environmental activities, crafts, games, and assist staff with general supervision. Volunteers actively participate in Day Camp activities as a positive role model for campers. Any volunteers and staff working with children are required to pass a background check before working with children. Youth who are interested in volunteering as a Junior Counselor should contact program@hunthill.org.


Parking directors are vital to allow us to efficiently and effectively park our guests at large programs and events. Parking directors must be adults who are good at communicating with a variety of different people.  Hunt Hill provides the safety vests and director lights if needed for evening events. 


A variety of gardens, rain gardens, and native plantings are located throughout the main camp area. We need help keeping these areas beautiful and removing any invasive and/or noxious weeds that pop up in the area from time to time. Volunteer gardeners need not be experts. They just need to be willing to put in an hour or two every once in a while during the summer. Additionally, baskets with plants are placed throughout camp. These baskets need regular watering from someone once or twice a week during the summer.


We often have events where we serve cookies and delicious desserts. We are always looking for people who love to bake and would donate baked goods for our events. This is a task that you can do in your own home! We also need helpers in the kitchen during Cakes at the Lake and during camps. Kitchen helpers do simple tasks such as flipping pancakes or washing dishes under the supervision of a certified food safety handler. 


The maintenance volunteer may participate in a large number of activities that will help beautify and improve the Hunt Hill property. A few of these activities include painting, redecorating the dorms, rebuilding structures around camp, deep-cleaning facilities, mowing trails and more.


Love greeting people? Welcome and chat with guests as they arrive and help them get checked in. Program volunteers free up Hunt Hill staff to assist guests and prep for the program. Program volunteers are also needed to help set up chairs, tables, signs, and anything else needed for a successful program.


Although we’d like to spend more time walking on the trails, sometimes we’re stuck in the office doing paperwork. We’re looking for volunteers who would adopt our trails and try to walk them once a month or so, carrying along loppers for those unruly prickly shrubs, and letting us know if there are fallen trees that need removal. We have several trails of various lengths waiting for you to adopt!


Do you have another special skill or talent not listed above that you would like to offer Hunt Hill? Let us know! We’ve had a variety of volunteers help with everything from feeding birds, splitting wood, repairing backpacks, sewing curtains, and so much more. Call 715-635-6543 to let us know how you can help!