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Wild Rice Push Pole & Knocking Stick Making Workshop

Time: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm, daily
Program Fee: $50/member, $60/nonmember. Fee covers all three evenings.
Location: Wisconsin Canoe Heritage Museum, Spooner
Registration is required by March 10. Space is limited.

Interested in making your own tools for wild ricing? The Wisconsin Canoe Heritage Museum & Hunt Hill Nature Center are teaming up to host a Wild Rice Push Pole & Knocking Stick Workshop on March 11th-13th from 6:00-9:00pm. In this three-evening class, you will make a push pole and a set of knocking sticks to use for wild ricing using traditional hand tools and techniques. Tools and materials will be provided, but feel free to bring your own hand tools (such as: a draw knife, wood plane, and wood rasp) and personal protective equipment (safety glasses and gloves). You may work individually or bring a partner for the same price.

For more information, visit:

Ways to Register for a Program:

  • Select the BROWSE & REGISTER to register online. For guidance, please read the step-to-step guide on “How to Sign Up for a Program or Event” via Perfect Mind.
  • Call 715-635-6543 & pay via credit card over the phone (Mon-Fri, 9:00am-4:00pm).
  • Visit our office. Note: Check and cash are also accepted when registering in-person.
  • First Time Registering? Click Here!